Understanding how a collision occurred can often be confusing.  Many times physical evidence may not be properly interpreted or understood, and witness statements may be unclear or questionable.  A reconstruction consultant has the training and experience necessary to examine the available evidence and form expert opinion about what happened.  

David Rochford has been qualified as an expert in traffic collision reconstruction in several states.  With over four decades of experience on the witness stand, Dave is able to explain complex issues in a down to earth style, easily understood by jury members.

Sometimes a crash that appears "clear cut", might not be.

Consider This Scenario....
In an actual case,  a driver ran a stop sign and was struck by another car, resulting in the death of one of his passengers.  His insurance company was prepared to settle for the limit of the policy, but decided to have a reconstruction of the crash done first.  The reconstruction revealed that the other driver had been speeding, thirteen miles per hour over the posted limit, and there would not have been a collision had they been traveling at the speed limit.  The claim was then split evenly between the two companies.  Having a reconstruction done saved the insured’s company over $100,000.00!


Inland Northwest
Traffic Accident
Investigation, LLC