Generally speaking, a "heavy truck" is any single unit truck which is larger than a pickup truck, and any articulated vehicle.  Like motorcycle crashes, attempts to apply standard reconstruction techniques to heavy truck wrecks will usually result in opinions which are incorrect.  Before the speed of a heavy truck can be established it is necessary to do a complete inspection of the truck, with special attention to the condition of the brakes.  Additionally, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations control the trucking industry, with requirements which apply to maintenance, record keeping and driving hours.  Knowledge of these regulations is essential to perform a complete investigation of any crash which involves commercial trucks.
David Rochford has been trained by the Northwestern University Center For Public Safety, and the University of North Florida Institute For Police Technology and Management in the proper techniques for inspecting heavy trucks and conducting an accurate and complete reconstruction of crashes involving them.  In addition to this training, Dave has been trained and
certified as a Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA)
inspector, with cargo tanker certification. 
(208) 771-0611
Inland Northwest
Traffic Accident
Investigation, LLC